Monthly Archives: October 2012

and I am back!

Hello readers,
First I would like to say thank you for taking the time to read my blog again! I know it had been a long time (4 months) since I have posted anything but I have been spending my days getting to know my beautiful baby boy, Jason Jr.

2 Weeks Old

Everyone tells you that the time flies when you have a baby but honestly I had no idea that it would go by this fast. We have been through countless onsies, diapers and shoes that already no longer fit him! I look at him today and wonder already where the time has gone. He went from a very sleepy (and SO WELL BEHAVED) newborn to a very active happy baby. All of the milestones that he will reach within the next year are completely exciting and I can’t wait to share them with you. So far, the milestones that he has reached have been lifting his head up very well during tummy time (he has always been good at this), holding his own bottle, sitting well on his own, grabbing his feet, teething, etc. I love that every day he surprises me with something new and I can’t wait to share them all with you!

Happy Halloween!

Today was his first Halloween!! He was dressed as a dragon today and I have to admit I thought he looked pretty damn adorable! He wasn’t feeling 100% because he had to have his second round of shots today 😦

dragon and daddy

Oh there he is making some noise, so I will update you later! Thanks for reading!