1 Second Per Day

I love videos like this! I wish I had have done things like this with my boys because it feels like I just blinked and then they grew up!


Anyone who lives in the GTA knows just how difficult this week was for a family who is going through the unthinkable.
A three-year-old boy named Elijah Marsh died after he wandered outside in the extreme cold and was found without a pulse, near Bathurst Street and Highway 401, on Thursday morning.  I watched the news live from work with a very, VERY heavy heart and I just couldn’t shake away the pain that I felt for his family.  What got to me the most was what that sweet little boy must have gone through outside in the cold like that.  I haven’t been able to bring myself to post about this until today because this story really hit home for me because my boys are around the same age and I know how crafty and determined they are when they put their minds to it.  I have attached some of the news pieces if you would like to take a look.  Please let this be a reminder to always double check all of your locks and child safety locks and just go and give your babies (no matter how old they are) a big hug and kiss.

Elijah Marsh

Elijah Marsh



These Faces Make My Day

my lil men

my lil men

This seems to be something I can only manage to do every few months or so and for that I will stop apologizing because anyone who has children (especially two boys) under the age of 5 will completely understand why I hardly have a chance to blog.  Working while being a mom is much more difficult than I could have imagined.  I miss them every day and I hate that it feels like I am missing so much of them growing up into the adorably, frustrating, intelligent, bossy, moody, hilarious, sweet little boys that they are.  I know that there are going to be many, many years of watching them grow into fine young men so I do not regret my choice to be a working mom, however my sleep deprived self may disagree slightly.  I miss those days when I actually had time to take a long shower and spend time getting ready for the day making sure my outfit was nice and my makeup was perfect and now I’m lucky if I can put mascara on while running out the door.  I just wanted to pop into the blog world and say ‘hello’ again because it really is few and far between when I will actually get a chance to catch up with everyone else and give a little update on my family.

Where Does the Time Go?

I keep going MIA from the blogging world.  Honestly, I have no idea how time can pass by me so quickly and I barely even notice.  So since my last blog, my youngest son has turned one, learned how to walk and had quite the little attitude on him.  My oldest son has become a little independent man who approaches life like there is nothing that he can’t handle.  He is really smart, knows his number and abc’s and his vocabulary gets increasingly impressive with every passing day.

Yesterday was my birthday and my husband and my two boys made it very special with flowers and homemade birthday cards. My oldest son won’t stop singing me “Happy Birthday”, which is pretty awesome because it reminds me of the times in my life where I would take days, if not a week, celebrating my birthday.

Birthday cards from my boys!

Birthday cards from my boys!

I was worried that I would have a hard time turning 29 considering it is the last year of my twenties but there was really nothing to worry about.  The way that I have spent the last half of my twenties is something that I wouldn’t trade for the world.  I have had two beautiful babies, found my soul mate, and moved into a much bigger house.  I wouldn’t trade this life for anything.  So thank you to everyone who helped make my birthday and last few years incredibly special.

The Guilt of Being a Working Mom

I wake up in the morning to two of the most beautiful faces I have ever seen and I am greeted with tired eyes and sleepy smiles and I think to myself how lucky I am to have such amazing children.  We get our breakfast and get dressed for the day and then I am plagued with enormous guilt that this will be the only time that I get to see my boys for the day because I will be headed off to work while they stay at home with their daddy.  My job is unfortunately not a 9-5 and the majority of my shifts really cut into my time with the boys.  A lot of the time I only see my boys for a few hours a day because of the hours I am scheduled and I feel lucky if I make it home before their bed time so that I can give them a bath and put them to bed.

I want to be able to provide what I can for my children and when I initially went back to work it was to give my poor brain a rest from constant baby talk and sesame street.  Now, I long for the days when the three of us would watch tv in my room and just spend time together, or the days where we went for a walk to the park, or reading time.  I just feel like I am missing out on a lot of big moments with them and it hurts my heart.  

Is this a common problem among working mothers?  If so, what do you do to maximize your time at home with your children?  What sorts of activities do you do? 

Cat Problems

I have been having a problem with my youngest cat KitKat, she has been chewing through ALL of my cords.  The baby monitor, my iPhone, my iPad, 2 sets of headphones are all destroyed and have been replaced just to be destroyed again.  Does anyone have any advice on how to keep a cat from chewing??  I have never had a problem with any of my other cats before so I’m not sure what to do exactly.

KitKat the destroyer!

KitKat the destroyer!

Babies, Babies, Babies

Over the last few weeks I have heard a lot of great news from people I love, there will be three new beautiful bundles of joy that will grace us with their presence in a few short months!!! I couldn’t be happier! I know these babies are coming into this world to amazing parents and I look forward to watching them grow into the wonderful people I know they will become! 

I remember how excited I was, yet still terrified that I had no idea what the hell I was doing or how I was going to raise my children to be the kind of person any mother could be proud of.  If we are being honest, I still feel like I have no idea what I am doing sometimes but then I look at my boys and I feel like I must be doing something right.  I know all three of these women are going to do an amazing job at raising their little ones and they will be the kind of mother that a child is proud to call “mom”.  So if any of you ladies are reading this, take a deep breath and just know that you are going to be okay and that baby will love you more than anything!

And if you want to get maternity or newborn photos done, Kelly is amazing! 


Life and Love

I am sitting here feeling a little bit of cabin fever due to the cold weather. I am seriously over the weather here and ready for it to be warm again! Since I have been feeling a little bit down I decided to make something to lift my spirits and thought that I might as well share so I hope you enjoy!


Hey everyone,

I just wanted to wish everyone a very happy and safe Halloween!!! It was Lincoln’s first Halloween and we dressed him up as a dragon (this was Jr’s costume from last year) and Jason Jr went trick-or-treating as HULK!  Halloween is my favourite holiday and we had a lot of fun doing things with the kids this year.  I am REALLY looking forward to taking both of the boys out trick-or-treating next year because by then Lincoln will be able to actually join in on the fun.

Halloween 2013

Halloween 2013

We carved some pumpkins earlier this week and Junior had fun playing with all of the pumpkin guts, maybe next year he can pick a design to put on the pumpkin.  This was something that was fun for the whole family.  My sister came with her boyfriend, my mom came with her long time friend and this was Jason’s first time carving a pumpkin EVER!!! I couldn’t even tell you the last time that I carved a pumpkin, I seriously don’t remember (which is noticeable in our final product haha)

too much candy...or beer maybe?

too much candy…or beer maybe?



Some people looked at me a little bit weird this year when I was out with HULK.  Do you think he is too young to take out?  I figure that if I choose to let my boy have some chocolate and candy then that is my prerogative and other parents shouldn’t judge.  I saw a couple tonight who took their baby (probably a couple of months older than Lincoln) out trick-or-treating and I thought it was cute!! We all know that the candy is for them and not the baby, but why should anyone try to take away a new parents joy from celebrating a first holiday with their child??

Anyway, I hope everyone had a great Halloween with friends and family!

p.s. I will remember to NOT give either of my boys candy before bed…and this pic will be my reminder…

Hyper Junior

Hyper Junior

It was a rainy day…

It is a rainy day here in my small town in Ontario with clouds, fog and just kind of a blah feeling in our household.  When you wake up on the wrong side of the bed sometimes it takes the smallest thing to turn your whole day around.

So I decided to take my oldest son to the park. I went to the park in my neighbourhood and it was closed off because they are tearing it down and rebuilding.  So then I went to a park in a neighbourhood near mine and again, it was also closed off and being rebuilt.  I had to put my little man in the car and go on a journey to find a park for him to play in.  Now the weather wasn’t really the greatest today, but we did end up finally finding a place to play.  Instead of the actual playground, he preferred to play in the open field.   I let him run around for a LONG time.  He picked dandelions, pick up maple leaves and all in all had a great time.  When we were done in the field we took a long walk along the bike paths.  Junior loves watching people ride by on their bikes, he wants to pet every dog that is walking with their owner, smiling at the people walking by, he is just a social butterfly and I couldn’t be more proud of him.


Junior with leaf

Picking Dandelions

Picking Dandelions

I’m glad that we were able to find something to do on this rainy dark day that changed the mood for us.  Now hopefully we can bring the happy mood back to our house and change the mood for daddy and baby.